Sunday, August 30, 2009

and the history continues...

Sometimes love histories just paused... sometimes they just ended even if we dont want it to.
Today is a cloudy day... its a sad day for some people... but today may be a good one for me.
I am a deep depression. and i need to stop.
I need to stop. I need to be able to enjoy my days again. i cant go on like this. My daughter is claiming my attention. the people around me is too. It seems that only work is capable of distract me.
Its enough ! I really need to move on.
I guess this is what happens when you fall in love and that person is far away... I cant stop missing him... i guess distance relationships are not made for me...
I need my man on my side. i need to feel him everyday.

I dont blame any one but me. i always knew he wasnt going to stay here... i tried super hard not to fall for him... but i did...
and now.. its killing me...

i need to stop. i need to not depend on him... not wait for him, i need to go out of this room.
I miss myself... i miss my happy self...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

watching ghost hunters

Imagine that... just that... i will be off for a couple of days!!1

Sunday, August 2, 2009

domingo.. dia de cambios...

Hoy es domingo. dia de cambios... se acabo la tristeza y la depresion.
Ya estuvo bueno!
Esta semana que viene es nueva mentalidad

Saturday, August 1, 2009

cansada de todo

estoy viendo una pelicula,
escuchando a mi nina reir en la sala con los hijos de Olga...
Estoy tratando de distraerme pero no puedo
estoy tratando de no pensar
pero no puedo
asi que estoy escribiendo en mi blog

El Proximo fin de semana lo voy a visitar...
tengo unos dias de vacaciones y
los quiero aprovechar...